android boot image

全志 a64 linux sdk采用了android 的boot image,这里顺着该sdk系统理解android的引导镜像。

如下linux-3.10/scripts/ 代码片段显示,在完成内核编译后,改脚本直接将kernel的二进制可执行文件和cpio的gzip压缩包rootfs.cpio.gz 一起合并进入boot.img。



Ramfs is a very simple FileSystem that exports Linux's disk cacheing mechanisms (the page cache and dentry cache) as a dynamically resizable ram-based filesystem.

ramfs 是一个基于linux缓存机制(page cache and dentry cache)的简易文件系统,基于ram,大小可动态调整。


Overview of the V4L2 driver framework

This text documents the various structures provided by the V4L2 framework and their relationships.

The V4L2 drivers tend to be very complex due to the complexity of the hardware: most devices have multiple ICs, export multiple device nodes in /dev, and create also non-V4L2 devices such as DVB, ALSA, FB, I2C and input (IR) devices.
